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PFLAG Publications in English

Our Children

A rewrite of the perennial favorite PFLAG publication OUR DAUGHTERS AND SONS, OUR CHILDREN offers a fresh eye for parents, caregivers, families, and friends about what to do when a loved ones comes out.

At Ease

Military families with LGBTQ+ dependents have a unique set of challenges. Moving every few years means reevaluating the cultural norms, laws, schools, and support of LGBTQ+ people at each location. It can feel overwhelming trying to find support for your LGBTQ+ child and yourself. In this new publication, you'll find valuable information designed to help you navigate the military system and find the support that your child -- and your entire family -- need.

Our Trans loved Ones

Our Trans Loved Ones is a brand-new, updated resource. Written by PFLAG staff members, and created with the help of content experts, reviewers, and PFLAGers with experience to share, it is full of information, first-person stories, and expert input geared to those who have a loved one who has come out as trans or gender expansive.

Faith in Our Families

Newly updated! Discovering that a loved one is LGBTQ+ can pose new questions about your faith and may prompt you to re-evaluate beliefs that you previously took for granted. By using personal experiences from families of faith as well as faith leaders from a broad variety of traditions, this publication, updated in 2021, provides examples for reconciling your faith with the knowledge that a loved one is LGBTQ+, and broad resources to help you on the path.

Be Yourself

Be Yourself offers a supportive and understanding approach to today's most common questions and concerns from youth regarding sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. With youth coming out--and disclosing--at younger and younger ages, being yourself has never been more important. The publication also includes an up-to-date list of resources, including hotline numbers, other organizations, and more.

Guide to being a straight ally

This is a guide for allies, by allies. It aims to invite, educate, and engage straight allies in the effort to create a world with equality for all. Interested?

Be not afraid

No matter where your faith community falls on LGBTQ people and/or issues Straight for Equality is here to help. Learn how to address your own discomfort when it comes to LGBTQ issues in the context of your religious beliefs, how you can become a straight ally, and small but important steps you can take to express your support for the gay community.

Supporting Your LGBTQ+ Grandchild

In partnership with our friends at SAGE--and with a foreword by Dear Abby--SUPPORTING YOUR LGBTQ+ GRANDCHILD offers support for grandparents about what to do when a grandchild comes out.

The Mother of a Movement

The Mother of a Movement is a true story of parental support and unconditional love. It tells the story of Jeanne Manford, the cofounder of PFLAG. When her son Morty was beaten by New York City officials for handing out pro-gay leaflets, Manford wrote a powerful letter to the New York Post to complain about how Morty was treated. In the letter she came out as the mother of a gay son. The letter was published. Morty invited his mother to march with him in the June 1972 Christopher Street Parade. While marching, she had the idea to form a group to help parents and families of LGBTQ+ people. That was the beginning of PFLAG.

Guide to being an ally to trans and nonbinary people

This publication, from our Straight for Equality program, will help you learn more about what transgender and nonbinary mean, develop competency around talking about the issue, become better informed about the challenges that many trans and nonbinary people face, and know specific ways that you can be a strong ally to trans and nonbinary people.


PFLAG Publications in Spanish

Nuestros Seres Queridos Trans

Nuestros Seres Queridos Trans: Preguntas Y Respuestas Para Padres, Familias Y Amigos De Personas Que Son Transgénero Y Género Expansivo Nuestros Seres Queridos es una publicación para padres, cuidadores, familias y seres queridos de personas transgénero y creativas con respecto al género.


Las familias de militares con dependientes LGBTQ+ enfrentan una serie única de desafíos. Mudarse cada pocos años significa reevaluar las normas culturales, las leyes, las escuelas y el apoyo a las personas LGBTQ+ en cada lugar. Puede resultar abrumador tratar de encontrar apoyo para su hijo/a LGBTQ+ y para usted mismo/a. En esta nueva publicación, encontrará información valiosa diseñada para ayudarlo/a navegar por el sistema militar y encontrar el apoyo que su -- y toda su familia -- necesitan.

Guía para convertirte en aliado de las personas trans y no binarias

¡Primera vez en español! Esta guía, de nuestro programa Straight for Equality, te ayudará a aprender más sobre lo que significan las palabras "transgénero" y "no binario", desarrollar habilidades de expresión oral sobre los temas que dominan los titulares, informarte mejor sobre los desafíos que enfrentan muchas personas trans y no binarias y aprender formas específicas en las que puedes ser un fuerte aliado para las personas trans y no binarias.

Nuestras Hijas y Nuestros Hijos

La nueva traducción de NUESTRAS/OS HIJXS, que ofrece una mirada fresca para las familias y otras personas sobre qué hacer cuando un ser querido sale del clóset. *** The brand-new, Spanish-language translation of OUR CHILDREN, PFLAG National’s popular publication for families about what to do when a loved one comes out.

Se Tu  Misma/o

La traducción al español de una de las publicaciones más populares de PFLAG National, para jóvenes LGBTQ + y en cuestionamiento. *** The Spanish-language translation of one of PFLAG National's most popular publications, for LGBTQ+ and questioning youth.

Fe En Nuestras Familias:

¡Recientemente actualizado y traducido! Descubrir que un ser querido es LGBTQ + puede plantear nuevas preguntas sobre su fe y puede impulsarlo a reevaluar creencias que antes daba por hecho.

Apoyando a su nieto LGBTQ+

En colaboración con nuestros amigos de SAGE—y con un prefacio escrito por Dear Abby—APOYANDO A SU NIETO LGBTQ+ ofrece apoyo para abuelos sobre qué hacer cuando un nieto sale del closet.



As a trans ally I will... (pack of 75)

Use these postcards as part of an event to show people how to be better trans allies. The card can also be used as a part of a social media campaign and is a great way to get a conversation started.

"I need an ally because..." Cards (pack of 75)

Created for people who are LGBTQ, these cards help communicate why a person needs a straight ally. Great for events and for getting conversations started. The reverse side provides you with some instant resources to pass along.

"I'm an ally because..." Cards (pack of 75)

Use these postcards as a part of an event to amplify the reasons people identify as straight allies. The card is a perfect for events, and is a great way to get a conversation started. The reverse side provides instant resources to pass along.

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